
Air Pollution Maps

A choice of four air pollutant maps caused by traffic and other sources updated every hour.

Exposure Record

Daily recordings of your exposure to four air pollutants, based on location, highlighting healthy navigation activities.

Exposure statistics dial

Healthy Navigation

Calculating the least polluted route to your destination with step-by-step report.


Person running, bicycle

Health and Happiness

Seek a better quality of life with increased life expectancy and contribute to decarbonisation

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Cloud and connectivity

Scientific Approach

Applying AI to reduce air pollution with optional pairing with miniature sensors. Helping make people flow a smooth and pleasant experience

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Protect your business assets with powerful, city-scale analytics that drill down from the citywide level to specific districts and even individual streets. Start with a free service to see the difference we can make for you.

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Your feedback

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How can we improve?

We value your feedback to understand the user experiences, identifying areas for improvement, and making informed updates. We will implement a feedback form within the app